For a 1 year old I am sure a big traveler. I spent my Birthday with my Nana, Auntie Lori, Great Grandpa, Grammy and of course my Mommy and Daddy. Above are some pictures of my big day both in Long Beach and San Diego. Breakfast at Nana's was fun. I got lotz of gifts and a new dolly that I can feed myself. And I'm really good at it. Grandpa and I spent some quality time together. After a long drive back to San Diego I got to see Daddy. I think he missed me because he gave me a hundred kisses. I went over to Grammy's house for some swimming and some ham. The day was finished with some yummy bug cupcakes. Messy...but yummy!
Daddy says I'm a big girl now and that I should learn to drink out of a big girl cup. So we like to share our drinks once in a while. For everyone with Child Protective Services.. This is plain water we are drinking. Despite the ending. Daddy thinks he's funny. I think he is too.
I'm gettin' really good at this climbing stairs thing. But of course Mommy and Daddy had to watch me just in case I fall. Which happens once in a while. I'm not sure, but I think it would be much easier to climb if I didn't have such a diaper wedgy.
My Daddy is always keeping a good eye on me. So when I noticed he wasn't looking I went on a little adventure. First I put something in my mouth that wasn't mine. Then I started up the stairs to see how far I could get. I must say I'm pretty proud of myself. I made it up 1 full flight. Well at least I made it up 4 steps before my Daddy found me. Have a look...